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(2 edits)

Too small... ;(

Hey, wow they are so cute <3.

Have you plans to add additional animations? For example "sleep" and "paw liking" etc.?

Thank you! I'm incredibly busy at the moment, so I probably won't add new animations to the pack any time soon, but I'll keep it in mind for the future.

Hi! I would like to buy all of your packs, is there a way you could bundle them?

(1 edit)

Hi, ok sure :)  I just made a bundle for all my asset packs with a discount of over 25%: Right now it only lasts until the end of this month, but I can extend it too if needed.

Thank you so much! Purchased <3

You're welcome and thanks for buying! I hope these assets come in handy for you :)

Would you be willing to extend this bundle again? Great Assets and cannot wait to use them!

I might add to it in the future yeah, just super busy with other projects at the moment. Oh and thanks! Glad you like Catset :)

This is the best!! The only thing is, I downloaded this when it was $4, and now it's $5, and I got a new computer after that, it says I own it, and when I go to download it again, it just gives me the $5 dollar one for free without paying the extra $1. I don't know if this was a glitch or whatever, but I just wonder why it didn't make me pay the extra $1.

Hi, and thanks! Not a glitch. The reason why you didn't have to pay extra is because you already own it. I added two new cats to the set, and then I raised the price a little bit, but everyone who already owns the asset pack should get anything new I add for free :)

Oh! ok. didn't know that.

Too adorable! I used these in the game Betrayer: Curse of the Spine and you are credited <3 I also like to use these to prototype since they are so cute!

Awesome, that game looks great! Thanks for the comment and kind words, it's nice to know how people use these cats and that you like them :)

I plan to make a game with fox asset and maybe also with cat asset, its gonna be my first full game and if i will get any income i cant wait to support you with extra cash :D
I love this assets, and i hope to see in future some titlesets and items as well <3


Oh thank you for the kind words, and I'm glad you like my assets :) I'm planning on making more, just been a bit busy with other projects. Good luck with your first full game!

why cat pack cost $4 instead of $3 =3= i wonder


The main reason why Catset is slightly more pricey than the rest, is because there are two cats with a lot of animations.

When I added an extra fox to Foxpack, I considered raising the price, but then decided nah.

I'm already selling these assets for dirt cheap, so lowering the price is simply not worth it.

Deleted 3 years ago

Oh yes, I'm aware of this and I've been meaning to fix it, sorry. I'm actually surprised nobody has mentioned this before. Luckily I didn't make this mistake with my other asset packs. I'll fix it today or tomorrow and let you know when the pack is updated.

Deleted 3 years ago

Oh you were not being rude at all! I appreciate that you mentioned it, thanks! And thanks for the compliments, I'm really glad you like my animations. 

It's great that you could fix the positioning yourself, but I went ahead and fixed this asset pack anyway for everyone else.

All spritesheet frames and gifs are now 40x40 pixels and it should be a lot less hassle to use them now.

Adore this asset. Plan to buy the rest as well. Will you be adding a scared and/or swimming animation for the cats and other future assets?

Thanks! :) I'm not so sure about my ability to make swimming animations for cats and others, but I might give it a try. I can definitely look into adding a scared animation for the cats, and perhaps other animals too.

Ok, new "fright" animations are in the pack :)

Wow. That was quick. I love it!

Nice, glad you like it!

Just bought, it's wonderful.

(1 edit)

Oh nice! I'm glad you like it, thanks :)

Thank you so much! This is exactly what I was looking for, for my game :) 

Btw, are you free to do some custom paid assets?

Oh hi, you're welcome and glad you like CATSET <3

I'm quite busy with another project, but it depends what kind of assets you want. You can send me a DM on twitter or we can email too if you prefer.

Hey looks super cool, do you plan on making the same kind of pack but with cute dog ? i want to make a splash intro for my games and this cats was what i needed, but i could be great if i had a dog too. nice work tho.

Hehe yeah I've been thinking of making a DOGPACK but never got around to it. Now I might just do it! Glad you like CATSET tho :)

(3 edits)

sweet! Can wait to see it ;)! Its all i would need for my splash screen! You think you gonna think about it soon? I'll give you a follow anyway!

I've been wanting to make more assets for itch, but I'm just too busy with another project. I'll try to make the time at some point. We'll see.

sure! Good luck in your future project!

Thanks! :)

Walk up and down?

Up and Down? You mean wallclimbing? There is a wallclimbing animation and a wallgrab animation in Catset. I'm not sure what you mean otherwise, sorry.

(1 edit)

Game RPG 2D

I'm guessing you're referring to a top-down 2D rpg? As mentioned in the description, this is an asset pack for 2D sidescrollers and platformers. I might not understand what you mean. I'm sorry, but you're going to have to be more specific and explain a bit more if you want me to understand what you mean.

mmmmmm I understand, I needed all four directions of movement, but thanks.

This is so cute

Thank you :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Hello~ I'm using this asset in my game, Brookhaven, and thought you'd like to see it. She's in the last screenshot. Thank you for sharing it!


That's great! Looks cute and seems to suit the rest of the game's art style. I'm glad my catset fits nicely in this interesting game. Thanks for sharing and good luck with Brookhaven!

(1 edit) (+1)

Added it to my steam wishlist! Looks great! I'll be following. edit: I found your twitter! Really looks amazing.

Aww thank you so much!! I have more content on my Instagram account (link on my profile). Twitter tends to compress videos and remove sound so I don't use it as often.

In love with this! Am I ok to include the assets in an open source project (virtual pet) that others can download for their own websites? Can happily provide some credit in the repository.

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh thanks! I'm glad you like it :) And yes that's just fine. Credit is appreciated but not necessary.

Thanks very much. :)

Knk ücretsiz versen olurmu, nolur çok lazım hiç bir yerde bulamadım başka çok güzel olmuş eline sağlık

Nice work. I love it.

Thank you!


Adorable animation, and exactly what I was looking for for my little OST Jam entry, Bombercat - and I see you just added wallgrab and wallclimb animations! I was planning on implementing that in the game originally, but didn't get around to it during the jam.

Oh thanks! It's so nice to run around with bombercat! I guess the bombs don't do anything? Since this was a jam and your first try at Godot, it's pretty sweet! The cat and camera movement feel nice and smooth :) I recently also started to learn Godot and it's great.

Thanks! Well, the bomb particles are active physics, and deal damage, so they can hurt the cat, and you can also use bombs to launch other bombs - but that's about all at this point. :-D I focused mainly on just learning the basics, and getting my usual "perfect pixels with native resolution positioning" going (the way I do it in Kobo Redux), because I wanted to make sure Godot can deliver the kind of smooth player experience I want. And, clearly, it can! There are some minor issues and messy areas, but overall, Godot has been a great experience so far. Might use it for non-game dev as well, as it's actually a lot smoother to use than traditional GUI toolkit solutions, especially if you need to go beyond the basic controls. I'm wondering what it would take to integrate it into VST plugins and the like...

very fun i just gave it a play. nice work! :)


Thank you! :-)
There is a TODO and design document for the game now, actually. I hope to get back to it eventually.

Hello! I sent a msg for you buddy in your other medias hoping to be answer, but no success haha. I need to know if I can hire your services for other chars. Send me a msg, please =)

Hi there, I have barely been active online during this xmas and new years period, but I'll get back at it soon. I received your messages on facebook and I'll reply to you early next week as soon as I get a chance. Thanks for showing interest in my work, it means a lot! Happy New Year!

hey, recently purchased this and wanted to pm you about maybe getting more sprites from you. let me know if you are interested. :)

(2 edits)

Hi! Firstly, thank you for purchasing CATSET! It means a lot. I'm not sure if I have the time for commissioned work to be honest. I'm super busy struggling with getting my own projects off the ground, but I am flattered and interested. As you probably know, commissions will be a bit more pricey than this catset which is available to everyone. Feel free to send me a direct message on twitter and we can chat there. My facebook page is also an option :)



I believe your dms are not set to public on Twitter so if you want to follow me back or set them to open then I will hit you up, name is similar to here just full first name, @benjaminlloyd50

Oh sorry, DMs are set to public now.


I love this CATSET! Animations are so cat-like and realistic 😻

Oh thank you, so nice to know, glad you like it :)


Well done mate, seems to be a great work, I'll keep you an eye. Keep going.

Awesome, thanks!

This cat is really amazing ! Nice style, nice animations. We want to see more from you !

Oh nice, thanks! Glad you like it :) It was fun to bring this little kitty to life and hopefully I'll get the time to make more assets in the future.


I'm a pixel artist myself, so don't really need to purchase art assets. However had to comment, this is so coooool lol!

Oh, well thanks for the kind words! It means a lot :)

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